“…[2] Currently,the widely used analytical methods for qualitative and quantitative detection of H 2 Ocontent in D 2 O are atomic absorption spectroscopy, [5] nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, [6] and infrared laser spectroscopy, [3,7] yet they suffer from several drawbacks,s uch as non-portability,requirement of expensive instruments and specialized technicians,t ime-consuming nature,a nd complicated operations,l eading to inconvenience in rapid point-of-need detection. [9][10][11][12][13] Yetd espite thes ignificant successesa chievedi n many analytes, [14][15][16][17][18][19] examplesofD 2 Oprobe arestill quiterare, andthe challenge lies in thesevereinterference from H 2 O. [9][10][11][12][13] Yetd espite thes ignificant successesa chievedi n many analytes, [14][15][16][17][18][19] examplesofD 2 Oprobe arestill quiterare, andthe challenge lies in thesevereinterference from H 2 O.…”