This paper discusses the role of Salawat adhiya ulami on the peace of mind of the members of Majelis Jalsatul Itsnain Baa Alawy Bandung. This paper is field research with the object of research at Majelis Jalsatul Itsnain Baa Alawy in Katapang, Bandung, West Java Indonesia. This research uses descriptive methods and a phenomenological approach to obtain data, observation, interview, and documentation techniques were used. While analyzing the data qualitative analysis techniques. This study found that Salawat adhiya ulami is a strand of Salawat that contains the life history of the Prophet Muhammad from birth to death, and Salawat adhiya ulami is a medium for a congregation of the Jalsatul Itsnain Baa Alawy Assembly to express longing for the Prophet Muhammad. By using a Sufistic approach, it can be concluded that after reading Salawat adhiya ulami, a congregation of the Jalsatul Itsnain Baa Alawy Assembly gets peace of mind in carrying out daily life. So that with peace of mind, the congregation believes that they will be husnul khatimah at the end of their lives. This belief is based on the words of Allah; calm souls, return to God with a heart that is pleased, and enter My servants and enter My heaven.