B-mode and Doppler ultrasonography in ruminants, as a technique has allowed establishing new concepts on the reproductive physiology of females, through the study of follicular dynamics and morphometry of the corpus luteum, therefore, the objective was to characterize by means of B-mode and Doppler ultrasonography the corpus luteum in recipient llamas. Thirty-seven recipient llamas were used (27 for B-mode ultrasonography and 10 Doppler) that were synchronized by applying buserelin acetate 0.0096 mg, nine days later 0.048 mg of prostaglandin F2α analog was applied two days later, the second dose of buserelin acetate was applied at the same dose to guarantee ovulation and subsequent formation of the corpus luteum, the evaluation in mode B of the morphometry consisted of observing the echotexture, area, diameter and volume of the corpus luteum with the use of a SonoStar SS-8 ® ultrasonograph at 6.5 MHz frequency and 6 cm depth equipped with a transrectal linear transducer; using the same technique with a Draminski 4Vet ® Doppler equipment, the percentage of luteal area of vascularization (% AVL) was determined. The data were subjected to a descriptive analysis being 0.119±0.032 cm2 of area, 12.7±1.7 mm of diameter and 0.84±0.32 cm 3 of CL volume, to determine the relationship between metric measures the Pearson correlation was used observing a positive relationship between area/diameter of 0.7506, area/volume of 0.9289 and diameter/volume of 0.6602, observing a high positive correlation between area and volume, finally the % AVL characteristics was 34.97 for the CL of recipient llamas. In conclusion, the morphometric characteristics evaluated in mode B (area, diameter and volume) have a positive correlation and the % AVL could be applied as a tool in the efficient reproductive management for the selection of recipients in camelids, understanding that it is one of the first reports of these characteristics in llamas 2021. Journal of the Selva Andina Animal Science ® . Bolivia. All rights reserved.