“…The objective criteria utilized to distinguish the two types of associative patterns are as follows a stimulus-bound pattern is mdicated by shorter reaction time, more contrast associates, and less awareness of associative processes intervening between stimulus and response, as compared to a subject-bound pattem indicated by longer reaction time, more adj'ective-noun associates, and more frequent awareness of complex intervening associative processes A theory describing the significance and interrelations of these criteria is fully presented m the previous study (7) In brief, a stimulus-bound associative pattem is, by definition, tied to a set for speed, which automatically induces a limitation of the associations to the type that come most quickly, namely, contrast associates Since this type of associative process stops quickly at the early stage of mere identification of the stimulus, the 5" has no complex intervening processes to report A subject-bound pattern is tied to a set to find a personally meaningful association, which involves a time-consuming intervening process, typified by concrete visual images of objects or events Since this type of intervening process features concrete objects, the final word selected by S to express the personal meaning of the process is likely to be the name of a concrete object, a noun Thus a noun response to an adjective stimulus provides a convenient index of the subject-bound type of pattem PART I IMPULSIVITY-INHIBITION AND EXTROVERSION-INTROVERSION In terms of specific hypotheses, the problem here can be stated as follows (o) 5"s who are typically impulsive are more likely to select a relatively stimulus-bound manner of associating under free conditions, as evidenced by faster reaction time, more contrast associates, and less frequent awareness of intervening processes, whereas typically inhibited S' s are more likely to select a relatively subject-bound approach, as evidenced by slower reaction time, more adjective-noun associates, and more frequent awareness of intervening processes (b) Ss who are thmkmg-extroverts are more likely to select the relatively stimulus-bound pattern under free conditions, whereas 5"s who are thmkmg-mtroverts are more likely to select the relatively subject-bound pattem…”