Abstract-Cloud computing provides the different types of services (availability, scalability, on demand service etc.) to the user on the basis of pay per use basis over the internet. Number of users and application are increasing day by day in cloud environment due to which assignment of task to best virtual machine among the available virtual machine become the difficult problem because it is not easy to predict the task execution time at run time. Therefore cloud task (job) scheduler should be dynamic in nature and distribute the all the task among all the virtual machine in such a manner that no virtual machine should be in under loaded or overloaded. We proposed and developed a task scheduling algorithm considering the priority of jobs and cost as a constraint. Proposed algorithm shows that IBA minimize the idle time of resources but does not provide the guarantee for handling job priority and cost of the resource. So there is a need of job scheduling algorithm that considers job priority and recourse cost.
Keywords-virtual machine, task scheduling, cloud job scheduler, metascheduler
I. INTRODUCTIONCloud computing becoming the emerging technology in the field of IT within last few years. It provides the scalability, flexibility and virtualization type of services over the internet to the user. There are three type of basic service provided by the cloud computing, software as a service (SaaS), platform as a service (PaaS), and infrastructure as a service (IaaS). Cloud user uses the services of cloud on the pay per use basis and cloud service provider try to provide the satisfactory level of services to the user. Elasticity property of cloud computing, user can expand and contract his service on demand basis. If done correctly, it is less expensive than running to a regular hardware. Cloud provides the service to store and retrieve the data easy and flexible way without worrying the hardware configuration needed. As the number of user is increasing day-by-day on cloud, all the user need services from cloud infrastructure. User send request to cloud for service, there is a possibility that some node of cloud computing can be overloaded or under loaded condition. To overcome this type of problem, many algorithms have been proposed by researcher, but all algorithms have their advantages and limitation. So load balancing has been become a challenging problem for cloud service provider.There are two types of scheduler exist in cloud computing: first one is local scheduler that works with host i.e assigned the job to the virtual machine and monitor the status of virtual machine after a time interval. Second one is called global scheduler or meta scheduler. User submits all through the web interface in cloud environment after that all the jobs are checked by gatekeeper that request are coming from legitimate user or not [9]. If request are coming from legitimate user then job are directed to meta scheduler otherwise request is rejected. Meta scheduler contains the information about all the virtual machine. Meta sched...