A comprehensive systematization of the features of the safety control process, potential threat factors, automation of monitoring the state of operation of hazardous production facilities of the gas transmission system, in accordance with the main potentially hazardous manmade impacts on the environment, has been carried out. Methodological, algorithmic and software were developed to ensure organizational and technical measures for environmental and industrial safety in accordance with modern requirements for monitoring the state of facilities and identifying emergency situations. The article is devoted to the creation of a system for automated monitoring of the operation of the state of HPF systems as a modern tool for industrial safety management during the operation of man-made facilities at enterprises of the fuel and energy complex. It is one of the most important modern problems of support. We have proposed mechanisms to control and reduce the risks of emergencies at HPFs, justified algorithms and provisions for creating an array of "big data" and modern information systems for analyzing the risk of accidents, as well as preventing and eliminating emergencies.