Localism is the process
of redistribution or assignment of powers or functions concentrated in a
central place or in a central authority. Today, localism is the allocation of
responsibility, planning and implementation of change from the highest
organizational level closer to the problem or area in which the activities are
carried out. An example is the federal and federal fees that are shared with
state and municipal levels of government. In the process of EU membership, many
constituent powers implemented innovations such as alleviation of statism, populism and centralization,
one of the basic values of previous periods, privatization of state-owned
enterprises, and the establishment of a decentralized government style in state
administration, advocating for conservative, nativist and traditional values at
local, surprisingly in a populist style, promising a rapid economic development
across regionalism, and thus maintained a relatively modern and prosperous
level in integration period. In this study, the displacement of the relations
of power over the localism, which is the return of the said integration
processes, will be explained. The European elections of May 2019 were to be
marked by the rise of populism. In order to approach an optimum ratio, the role
of the urban power networks in the new era in social and administrative terms
was discussed