Taxane Diterpenes. Part 3. Formation of the Eight-Membered B-Ring by Semi-Pinacol Rearrangement.-The solvolytic semi-pinacol type rearrangement of 10β-( trifluoromethylsulfonyl)oxymethyl substituted bicyclo(5.4.0)undecenone derivatives such as (I) and (IV) as well as some 10βformyl derivatives is found to be a very high yielding and regiospecific method for construction of the eight-membered B-ring of taxanes.-(MAGNUS, P.; DIORAZIO, L.; DONOHOE, T. J.; GILES, M.; PYE, P.; TARRANT, J.; THOM, S.; Tetrahedron 52 (1996) 45, 14147-14176; Dep. Chem. Biochem, Univ. Tex., Austin, TX 78712, USA; EN)