Abstract:The loose, small zooecia of the cheilostome bryozoans have been discovered in the lowermost part of the La Meseta Formation on Seymour (Marambio) Island. They systemati− cally include the representatives of Beanidae Canu et Bassler, Catenicellidae Busk, Savi− gnyellidae Levinsen, and Calwelliidae MacGillivray. The bryozoan assemblage is comprised of separate, small−sized internal moulds dominated by distinct, boat−shaped zooecia belonging to Beania, scarce, unizooidal internodes tentatively included into a ditaxiporine catenicellid ?Vasignyella, and representative of the family Savignyellidae. A few branched segments composed of multiserial zooecia arranged back to back were tentatively incorporated into ?Malakosaria. Beania, marks the oldest fossil record, whereas representatives of Savignyelli− dae along with ditaxiporine catenicellid and ?Malakosaria are for the first time reported from Antarctica. The relationship between the taxonomic composition, colony growth−patterns rep− resented by membraniporiform/petraliform, catenicelliform and cellariform, along with asso− ciated biota and sedimentary structures of the La Meseta Formation implies nearshore environ− ment, with considerable wave action, and warm climatic conditions.