“…For example, NCERDC data have been used to study differences in the observed teacher characteristics in charter relative to traditional public schools (Carruthers, 2012), the relationship between observable teacher characteristics and student test scores (Clotfelter, Ladd, & Vigdor, 2007), stability of value-added measures of teacher effectiveness across time (Goldhaber & Hansen, 2013) and subjects (Goldhaber, Cowan, & Walch, 2013), the persistence of estimated teacher effects over time (Jacob, Lefgren, & Sims, 2010), teacher peer effects (Jackson & Bruegmann, 2009), the effect of statewide early childhood programs on third-grade academic achievement (Ladd, Muschkin, & Dodge, 2014), the effect of NCLB's subgroup-specific accountability requirements on student achievement (Lauen & Gaddis, 2012), and the presence of nonrandom student-teacher assignments (Rothstein, 2010). This is not an exhaustive list; see the NCERDC website (provided in Note 3) for a full list of projects to which the NCERDC contributed data.…”