This article explores the problem of aesthetic education and focuses on issues related to its implementation in the educational process of a modern educational institution. The content and features of modern aesthetic education in the system of professional training of future specialists are covered. The study was conducted during the 2018/2019 academic year. The experimental group consisted of 105 students aged between 17-19 years, while the control group consisted of 155 students of the same ages. As part of this summative assessment, a survey was conducted with the help of a questionnaire, which involved a total of 260 students from both universities, who answered the questions specifying the main shortcomings of modern educational activities. It is known that one of the conditions that interferes with aesthetic development of future specialists is the lack of free time, due to the fact that most students work in their free time after classes and the lack of motivation to participate in classroom discussions. In the process of conducting summative assessment with the help of psychological methods, the main attention was focused on communicative and organizational abilities, empathy, creativity and reflection. It is noted that among the priorities of educational activities at the faculty, it is important to create appropriate aesthetic conditions for the active development of students. Based on the survey, it was found that the main methods in aesthetic education are training, creative meetings with experts, artists and writers; practicals (method of assignments, setting of ©2020 The authors and IJLTER.ORG. All rights reserved.practical tasks -involvement in creative activity); preparation of excursions to museums, theatres, cinemas and the creation of thematic exhibitions. It is determined that studying at the university is not only preparation for future professional activities, but also the formation of character, inculcation of aesthetic and moral values, sustenance of culture and the development of creative thinking. The use of relevant international experience in the processes of creative preparation of young people plays an important role in ensuring the effectiveness of training and aesthetic education of students.