Abstract. This article begins by introducing the negotiation exercise and the critical role of the exercise debriefing in achieving learning outcomes. This is followed by an overview and detailed teaching plan for a negotiation exercise: The Second South American Conference on the Environment. This specific negotiation exercise is used to illustrate the important relationship between learning process and outcome and the critical link that the debriefing plays in achieving such outcomes. Learning objectives for the exercise include (1) comparing bilateral and multilateral negotiations, (2) examining sources of power, and (3) identifying social norms that contribute to negotiation outcomes. A number of learning points from the third objective can be highlighted during the debriefing including the important role that social norms play in shaping negotiation outcomes (the equity principle, equality principle, margin principle, power principle, and need principle). Learning objectives discussed in this article have been successfully achieved in many academic, commercial and governmental settings although these objectives represent but one approach. The professional teacher/trainer may use these objectives as an example in developing their own learning and teaching approach. The article concludes by presenting the views of Australian university students on the learning gained by engaging in the Second South American Conference on the Environment.