Education is a manifestation of improving science. Citizenship education is an education that teaches learning about national governance and Indonesian citizenship. Citizenship education has an important role in strengthening national identity for students in Indonesia. Citizenship Education Teachers must have learning innovations through advanced technology. This research is a literature study. Library study data is taken from various sources of books, journals, and other sources relevant to the learning of PPKn. The purpose of this study was to analyze Citizenship Education Teachers in improving the quality of learning innovations through internet media for students and looking at the efforts of Citizenship Education Teachers to improve learning innovations by inviting students to use the internet to support learning. The results of this literature study are 1) Citizenship Education Teachers have an important role in increasing learning motivation, 2) Citizenship Education Teachers are able to improve learning by providing innovative learning through internet media for students, 3) increasing students' learning motivation to keep abreast of learning innovations via the internet on Citizenship Education subjects.