Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB) is one of the educational institutions in Indonesia that also has a role in generating solid waste. Food waste production amounted to 379.55 kg per day from the total amount of solid waste at IPB Darmaga Campus. Food waste that is only collected at the Cikabayan Sorting House and not processed further can pollute the environment. Therefore, processing with composting is needed. The research aims to analyze the characteristics and quality of compost, determine the best composition of compost, and analyze the potential in reducing food waste at IPB Darmaga Campus from processing food waste with a mixture of animal manure (sheep and bats) and Bio-Hara Plus activator. Composting was carried out aerobically with the open windrow method for eight weeks. Six compost variations were made with the addition of materials in the campus environment that were given the same treatment. The results showed that the characteristics and quality of compost such as colour, volume, temperature, pH, moisture content, C-Organic, N-Total, and C/N ratio were in accordance with SNI 19-7030-2004. The best compost quality was found in variation F3 and F1 (four and eight weeks) and potential to reduce 4% (F3) and 43% (F1) food waste at IPB Darmaga Campus.