This paper outlines some of the new epistemological and ontological assumptions of contemporary technoscience thereby reframing the question of an epochal break. Important aspects are the question of a new techno-rationality, but also the constitution of a 'New World Order Inc.', with its new 'politics of life itself', the reconfiguration of categories such as race, class and gender in technoscience, as well as the amalgamation of everyday life, technoscience and culture. Given the difficulties of 'proving' a new episteme (or even epoch), I change perspective by reflecting on the epistemological vantage point from which the interpretation of technoscience as a new episteme or epoch becomes (im)plausibleconfronting traditional approaches of philosophy and history of science and technology assessment (TA) with interventional approaches, such as postcolonial and feminist cultural studies of technoscience.Zusammenfassung Mein Beitrag diskutiert die Frage nach einem epochalen Bruch zwischen der wissenschaftlich-technischen Kultur der Moderne und der Technoscience bzw. einer neuen Technowissenschaftskultur. Um klassische Probleme der Epochendiskussion zu vermeiden, wird die Frage nach der Technoscience mit Hilfe des Foucaultschen Episteme-und Dispositiv-Begriffs neu gerahmt. Wichtige Aspekte der Episteme bzw. des Dispositivs Technoscience werden vorgestellt-wie die Ausbildung einer neuen Techno-Rationalität, die Konstitution einer'New World Order Inc.' (Haraway in Modest_Witness@Second_Millenium.