In the past few years, the suicide rate of youth in Korea has risen rapidly, and it is recognized as a social problem. It is known that the happiness index of Korean youth is the lowest among OECD countries. Adolescents are exposed to a lot of stress such as academic burden, conflict in peer relations, and family problems, and psychological disorders such as depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and anxiety disorder are known to increase the suicide rate of adolescents. In the West, many studies have been reported using meditation apps for psychological health of adults. In particular, psychotherapy methods based on mindfulness meditation are being developed and commercialized as meditation apps or psychotherapy apps. This study aims to dynamically implement mind management contents by adding music/movements corresponding to art therapy to complement the limitations of existing static meditation techniques and boring meditation music and make them friendly to adolescents. To this end, we will analyze the existing meditation app interface design case and present a design concept guideline for the meditation app Koala for youth.