In today's era of globalisation, Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) are no longer a stranger among universities and higher institutions. Many universities and colleges have started to make use of MOOCs as the platform for online learning in combination with face to face classroom for university courses. However, there are still many learners, especially university students who are not aware and familiar with the existence of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs). In conjunction to this, researchers intended to investigate students' awareness towards MOOCs and the use of MOOCs in teaching and learning in higher institutions. The respondents of this study involved university students from various public and private universities. The findings have gathered that majority of the students are fully aware of MOOCs' existence, its powers, benefits and what MOOCs can offer. Through the social learning aspects in MOOCs, students can empower to grow in knowledge, soft skills and personalities. In conclusion, it is believed that MOOCs can be utilised to help teachers and future teachers to cater many types of learners and their proficiency.