Information and Communications Technologies (ICTs) in secondary schools entail the convergence of computers, telecommunication devices, Internet of things (IoT) and audio-visual systems. In this study, ICTs were used to mean the use of computer hardware, software, networking and the Internet, and other media of communication such as television, radio, newspapers and mobile phones. The objective of the study was to establish the factors which affect the implementation of the ICTs in secondary schools. A census study was conducted at the 38 schools out of 40 secondary schools in Igembe district. To collect data the researcher used a structured questionnaire that was personally administered to the respondents. Data was analysed using frequencies, averages, standard deviations, percentages, Friedman's test and Factor analysis techniques. The researcher found out that over 50% of the Igembe secondary schools had not yet acquired computers and none had the internet connection by the time of the study. The extent of implementation and ICT usage in Igembe district was limited to the traditional ICTs such as radios, television sets, newspapers and just a few and sparse computers and mobile phones which were mainly used for; mailing and chatting with peers, leisure and entertainment, office work, and students' information search.