“…The various assignments can build a process of critical thinking, creative thinking, and students can learn independently in a broader context. And this study found that the impact of technology on students' language skills is when the constructivist approach can provide many opportunities and opportunities for students to be creative through the four Arabic language skills (Febriani & Anasruddin, 2020). Azkia Albantani, in his research entitled Optimizing The Busuu Application In Arabic Learning, states that this website is very relevant to use in foreign language learning, especially Arabic, because this website is supported by a team of native speakers or native speakers from 12 countries (English, French, German, Arabic, Dutch, Italian, Chinese, Japanese, Brazilian, Spanish, Russian and Turkish) and equipped with various learning features, namely; Lessons (Durūs), exercises (Tamārin), Vocabulary (Al-Mufradat) and Personal Notes (Shafhaty al-Syakhsyiah).…”