This study aims to investigate the factors that influence behavioral intention (BI) and usage of e-wallets by extending the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT) with constructs, namely, mobile self-efficacy, perceived enjoyment and satisfaction.
This quantitative study used partial least squares structural equation modeling on a sample of 576 mobile e-wallet users surveyed online.
The key findings indicate that the model can explain 58.8% of the variance in behavioral intention and 53.8% in usage. Moreover, mobile self-efficacy has a significant influence on perceived enjoyment. Perceived enjoyment significantly affects satisfaction, effort expectancy and performance expectancy. Furthermore, effort expectancy significantly influences customer satisfaction in contrast to performance expectancy. In addition, although performance expectancy, social influence and satisfaction significantly impact consumers’ behavioral intention, effort expectancy and facilitating conditions condition have an insignificant influence on consumers’ behavioral intention. E-wallet stakeholders can use the findings of this study to make strategic decisions regarding the e-wallet ecosystem.
Although previous studies have independently addressed the impact of mobile self-efficacy, perceived enjoyment and satisfaction on consumers’ behavioral intention and usage behavior, the expanded framework with the possible relationships proposed in this study has never been adequately studied in previous research in the context of e-wallets in developing countries based on an empirical analysis. This study represents one of the first attempts to improve the UTAUT by empirically analyzing these relationships.