“…The first hypothesis postulates that the Thaumasia Plateau moved downslope from Syria Planum as a single coherent lithospheric block [ Anguita et al , 2001; Webb and Head , 2002; Borraccini et al , 2007] along a weak horizon (or décollement) [ Montgomery et al , 2009], either by gravitational collapse of some large volcanic edifice [ Webb and Head , 2002, Borraccini et al , 2007], gravity flow and sliding of near‐surface lithosphere off Tharsis [ Wise et al , 1979], or as a result of gravitationally driven continental‐scale salt tectonics [ Montgomery et al , 2009]. During the conjectural southeastward movement of the Thaumasia Plateau lithospheric block, proto‐Valles Marineris would have functioned as a left lateral strike‐slip zone [ Borraccini et al , 2007], and Claritas Fossae as a right lateral strike‐slip zone [ Wise et al , 1979; Webb and Head , 2002], in contradiction to the evidence for predominantly normal faulting in these areas [e.g., Tanaka et al , 1991; Banerdt et al , 1992; Lucchitta et al , 1992; Hauber and Kronberg , 2005]. Alternately, southeastward motion of the Thaumasia Plateau was conjectured to have produced right lateral strike‐slip motion along proto‐Valles Marineris [as suggested by Webb and Head , 2002; Borraccini et al , 2007], for which there is also no evidence [e.g., Schultz , 1991, 1998; Mège and Masson , 1996].…”