Abstract. An analysis of the tropospheric ozone (O 3 ) columns (TOCs) derived from SCIAMACHY limb-nadirmatching (LNM) observations during the period 2003-2011, focusing on global variations in TOC, is described. The changes are derived using a multivariate linear regression model. TOC shows changes of −0.2±0.4, 0.3±0.4, 0.1±0.5 and 0.1 ± 0.2 % yr −1 , which are not statistically significant at the 2σ level in the latitude bands 30-50 • N, 20 • S-0, 0-20 • N and 50-30 • S, respectively. Tropospheric O 3 shows statistically significant increases over some regions of South Asia (1-3 % yr −1 ), the South American continent (up to 2 % yr −1 ), Alaska (up to 2 % yr −1 ) and around Congo in Africa (up to 2 % yr −1 ). Significant increase in TOC is determined off the continents including Australia (up to 2 % yr −1 ), Eurasia (1-3 % yr −1 ) and South America (up to 3 % yr −1 ). Significant decrease in TOC (up to −3 % yr −1 ) is observed over some regions of the continents of North America, Europe and South America. Over the oceanic regions including the Pacific, North Atlantic and Indian oceans, significant decreases in TOC (−1 to −3 % yr −1 ) were observed. In addition, the response of the El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and quasi-biennial oscillation (QBO) to changes in TOC for the period 2003-2011 was investigated. The result shows extensive regions, mostly in the tropics and Northern Hemisphere extratropics, of significant ENSO responses to changes in TOC and a significant QBO response to TOC changes over some regions.