To cite this version:Alexandre Seuret, Jean-Pierre Richard. Control of a remote system over network including delays and packet dropout. 17th IFAC World Congress, Jul 2008, Seoul, South Korea. 2008 Control of a remote system over network including delays and packet dropout Abstract: This work concerns the observer-based control of a remote, Master-Slave system through the Internet network. This communication link introduces variable, asymmetric and unpredictable delays, as well as packet loss. The data-sampling effects are also taken into account, even in the aperiodic case. Whereas the existing strategies require additional buffers, allowing the delay to become constant, the present result uses the information as soon as received. The proposed Lyapunov-Krasovskii functionals and LMI algorithms provide controller and observer gains which ensure the asymptotic stability of the global closed loop. The maximum admissible number of successive packets dropouts is also computed. The last part of the paper provides a simulation, where the Slave is a second-order system.