Objectives. To review the use of personality frameworks by educators as a tool to increase selfawareness in health professions students. Findings. After screening titles, abstracts, and/or the full text of the 415 articles identified in an initial search, 71 articles involving personality frameworks were included in the study. Several different personality frameworks, including the Five-Factor Model, Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, the Rational Experiential Inventory, and the CliftonStrengths assessment, were used in various health science education disciplines, including medicine, nursing, and pharmacy. Most publications were descriptive in nature and only reported on the personality attributes of the given research cohort. Some studies correlated personality framework results with either learning or non-cognitive outcomes. Very few studies described using personality frameworks as a tool for self-awareness and growth. Summary. While some personality frameworks have been used in health science education for multiple purposes, there is currently a lack of published evidence documenting the use of these frameworks for self-awareness in students.