In the present study, it has been evaluated how 10 µm of polyethylene microspheres can be ingested by Artemia salina (Linnaeus, 1758) larvae within the first 7 days of the life cycle, and the impact on their health. Twelve A. salina larvae (instar I) groups were exposed to different microplastics (MPs) concentrations (0-1-10-102-103-104 MPs/mL), with and without Dunaliella salina as a food source. The results highlighted that A. salina larvae ingest MPs in relation to the exposure times in a dose-dependent manner and are significantly influenced by food availability. The highest contamination found was 306.2 MPs/individual at 104 MPs/mL exposure without a food source. No MPs were found in the presence of the food source from 1 to 102 MPs/mL, while contamination was detected at all concentrations of MPs without a food source. The worst effect on the developmental stages was evaluated at 168 h with a food source, with a delay compared to the control of I and II instars at 103 and 104 MPs/mL, respectively. Furthermore, microalgal feeding was significantly reduced for about 50% in the presence of 104 MPs/mL. These results highlight that aquatic microplastics pollution could affect the A. salina’s feeding behavior and life cycle.