Background: There have been many studies on the growth conditions of Zostera marina and Zostera japonica, but few studies have examined how spatial and temporal factors affect growth in established seagrass beds or the distribution range and shoot density. This study aims to clarify the factors that determine the temporal and spatial distribution of Zostera marina and Zostera japonica in the Seto Inland Sea east of Yamaguchi Prefecture. Methods: The study site is in Hiroshima Bay of the Seto Inland Sea, along the east coast of Yamaguchi Prefecture, Japan. We monitored by diving observation to confirm shoot density, presence or absence of both species and observed water temperature, salinity by sensor in study sites. Results: The frequency of occurrence of Zostera marina was high in all seasons, even in water depths of D.L. + 1 to −5 m (80 ± 34% to 89 ± 19%; mean ± standard deviation), but lower (as low as 43 ± 34%) near the breakwall, where datum level was 1 to 2 m, and it was further reduced in datum level −5 m and deeper. The frequency of occurrence of Zostera japonica was highest in water with a datum level of +1 to 0 m. However, in datum level of 0 m or deeper, it became lower as the water depth became deeper. Datum level +1 m to 0 m was an optimal water depth for both species. The frequency of occurrence and the shoot density of both species showed no negative correlation. In 2011, the daily mean water temperature was 10°C or less on more days than in other years and the feeding damage by S. fuscescens in the study sites caused damage at the tips.
Conclusions:We considered that the relationship between these species at the optimal water depth was not competitive, but due to differences in spatial distribution, Zostera marina and Zostera japonica do not influence each other due to temperature conditions and feeding damage and other environmental conditions. Zostera japonica required light intensity than Zostera marina, and the water depth played an important role in the distribution of both species.