is studied. A complex structure of the stimulated emission spectra in Cd3(As,P1-,), single crystals is detected. It is shown that for Cd,P, the width of emission spectrum and its position relative to the transmission edge may be adequately described in terms of a direct interband-transition model. The same model is used to calculate the luminescence Icvl(w) and the optical transmission TcVl(w) in the presence of t z small (i.e. up to 5% of the Brillouin zone size) K , shift between the extrema of the heavy hole valence band V, and conduction band C. It is shown that at k, * 0 the dependence levl(w) may have two maxima. The structure of stimulated emission spectra and the reference data on luminescence in C%(As,P1-,), single crystals are interpreted taking into account the calculations carried out in this work.
Rekombinationsstrahlung in Cd,(As,P1 -,),-Mischkristallen in der NBhe von Kadmiumphosphid