A new, systematic study of the electron beam induced emission in N 2 -CO 2 -H 2 O mixtures typical of those in gasdynamic lasers has been conducted. Vibrational temperatures of molecular nitrogen were successfully measured at density levels at least an order-of-magnitude above those normally used with an electron beam. The experimental studies were performed in an arc-heated free jet with densities up to those corresponding to a pressure of 20 torr at 300K. Comparisons of theoretical and experimental N 2 vibrational temperatures are presented which show that the data are not adversly influenced by the high density nor by the addition of CO 2 and H 2 O so long as there is a relatively high flow velocity.y Nomenclature = intensity proportionality constants = radiative transition probability for /-• j transition = speed of light = Planck's constant = intensity for y-> k transition = intensity of reference gas conditions = intensity in the absence of collision quenching = Boltzmann's constant = electron beam path length = reduced mass of N 2 and species / particles = molecular weight = electron number density = gas number density = number density of species / = quenching number density for species / = static pressure = equivalent pressure = cross section for excitation of N 2 to level j in the N 2 + (£ 2 D) state due to electron beam excitation = cross section for collisions between N 2 molecules in level j and particles of species / = gas constant = translational temperature = electron velocity = electron beam accelerating potential = mole fraction of N 2 = intensity constant = frozen ratio of specific heats = wavenumber for they'-* A: transition = vibrational relaxation time