Since their discovery in 1986, the high-temperature copper-oxide superconductors have been a central object of study in condensed-matter physics. Their highly unusual properties are widely (although not universally) believed to be a consequence of electron-electron interactions that are so strong that the traditional paradigms of condensed-matter physics do not apply: instead, entirely new concepts and techniques are required to describe the physics. In particular, the superconductivity is obtained by adding carriers to insulating 'parent compounds'. These parent compounds have been identified 1 as 'Mott' insulators, in which the lack of conduction arises from anomalously strong electron-electron repulsion. The unusual properties of Mott insulators are widely 2 believed to be responsible for the high-temperature superconductivity. Here, we present a comparison of new theoretical calculations and published 3-8 optical conductivity measurements, which challenges this belief. The analysis indicates that the correlation strength in the cuprates is not as strong as previously believed, in particular that the materials are not properly regarded as Mott insulators. Rather, antiferromagnetism seems to be necessary to obtain the insulating state. By implication, antiferromagnetism is essential to the properties of the doped metallic and superconducting state as well.The prototypical 'parent compound' is La 2 CuO 4 , in which the lattice structure and electron counting is such that there is an odd number of electrons per formula unit. Thus, in the absence of further symmetry breaking, conventional band theory would predict that the material is a good metal. La 2 CuO 4 is however not metallic; it is an insulator with a gap determined by optical spectroscopy to be approximately 1.8 eV (refs 3,4). From one perspective, the insulating behaviour is not surprising. At temperature T = 0, La 2 CuO 4 has two-sublattice Néel order, so that the magnetic unit cell contains two formula units and thus an even number of electrons, compatible with the observed insulating behaviour. However, the consensus has been that the antiferromagnetic order is irrelevant. Instead, the materials have been identified 1,2 as 'Mott insulators' . (Although the cuprates are properly regarded as 'charge-transfer' and not 'Mott' insulators in the sense of ref. 9, we believe this issue is not relevant here: the high-energy-scale physics and chemistry of transition metal (Cu) and ligand (O) ions produces one band of electrons, with an effective interaction strength U which we aim to determine. In particular, optical data show that the nearest bands (arising mainly from the non-bonding oxygen orbitals) are 5-6 eV removed in energy, with only a weak absorption tail extending down to the energies of relevance here. The issue is discussed in more detail in the Supplementary Information.) In a Mott or charge-transfer insulator, the electron-electron interactions are so strong that a density of one electron per unit cell implies a 'jammed' situation: no electron ca...