We report successful growth of flux free large single crystals of superconducting FeSe 1/2 Te 1/2 with typical dimensions of up to few cm. The AC and DC magnetic measurements revealed the superconducting transition temperature (T c ) value of around 11.5K and the isothermal MH showed typical type-II superconducting behavior. The lower critical field (H c1 ) being estimated by measuring the low field isothermal magnetization in superconducting regime is found to be above 200Oe at 0K. The temperature dependent electrical resistivity ρ(T ) showed the T c (onset) to be 14K and the T c (ρ=0) at 11.5K. The electrical resistivity under various magnetic fields i.e., ρ(T)H for H//ab and H//c demonstrated the difference in the width of T c with applied field of 14Tesla to be nearly 2K, confirming the anisotropic nature of superconductivity. The upper critical and irreversibility fields at absolute zero temperature i.e., H c2 (0) and H irr (0) being determined by the conventional one-band Werthamer-Helfand-Hohenberg (WHH) equation for the criteria of normal state resistivity (ρ n ) falling to 90% (onset), and 10% (offset) is 76.9Tesla, and 37.45Tesla respectively, for H//c and 135.4Tesla, and 71.41Tesla respectively, for H//ab. The coherence length at the zero temperature is estimated to be above 20Ǻ by using the Ginsburg-Landau theory. The activation energy for the FeSe 1/2 Te 1/2 in both directions H//c and H//ab is determined by using Thermally Activation Flux Flow (TAFF) model.