Cotton mealybug is one of the most widespread invasive mealybug species and causes economically serious damage to vegetables, ornamentals and other agricultural crops. This study was conducted between 2018-2019 in Çukurova University, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Plant Protection, Nedim Uygun Biological Control laboratory for the determination life table parameters of Phenacoccus solenopsis Tinsley, 1898 (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae) on four host plants (cotton, eggplant, pepper and tomato). This study conducted in climate cabinets at 25±2ºC, 60±10% RH and 16:8 h L:D photoperiod. Thirty replicates (individual insects) were used for each host plant. Petri dishes (6 cm diameter) were used for these experiments. Eggplant was determined as the most suitable host plant, with highest values of life table parameters (R0=184 nymphs/female, rm=0.269/d, λ=1.31/d, GRR=264 nymphs/female) were obtained with eggplant.