ABSTRACT:Understanding the temperature dependence of the optical properties of thin metal films is critical for designing practical devices for high temperature applications in a variety of research areas, including plasmonics and near-field radiative heat transfer. Even though the optical properties of bulk metals at elevated temperatures have been studied, the temperature-dependent data for thin metal films, with thicknesses ranging from few tens to few hundreds of nanometers, is largely missing. In this work we report on the optical constants of single-and polycrystalline gold thin films at elevated temperatures in the wavelength range from 370 to 2000 nm. Our results show that while the real part of the dielectric function changes marginally with increasing temperature, the imaginary part changes drastically. For 200-nm-thick single-and polycrystalline gold films the imaginary part of the dielectric function at 500 0 C becomes nearly twice larger than that at room temperature. In contrast, in thinner films (50-nm and 30-nm) the imaginary part can show either increasing or decreasing behavior within the same temperature range and eventually at 500 0 C it becomes nearly 3-4 times larger than that at room temperature. The increase in the imaginary part at elevated temperatures significantly reduces the surface plasmon polariton propagation length and the quality factor of the localized surface plasmon resonance for a spherical particle. We provide experiment-fitted models to describe the temperature-dependent gold dielectric function as a sum of one Drude and two critical point oscillators. These causal analytical models could enable accurate multiphysics modelling of gold-based nanophotonic and plasmonic elements in both frequency and time domains.
KEYWORDS: nanophotonics, plasmonics, metamaterials, metal optics, high temperatures, gold thin films, analytical models2 Nanometer-scale field localization is at the heart of metal-based nanophotonics, namely plasmonics [1][2][3][4] . In plasmonic nanostructures, strong field confinement -or so-called 'hot spots' -arise due to the excitation of subwavelength oscillations of free electrons coupled to the incident electromagnetic field at the metal-dielectric interface, known as surface plasmons 5 . Such nanoscale hot spots lead to high energy densities that inevitably increase the local temperature of the plasmonic material under study. Recently, there has been a growing interest in plasmonicsbased local heating applications such as heat-assisted magnetic recording, thermophotovoltaics, and photothermal therapy 6,7 .However, theoretical modeling of plasmonic structures in such local-heating based systems has so far been performed using room-temperature optical constants, i.e. with thermal analysis and optical material properties being decoupled. Therefore, probing the temperature dependence of the optical properties of thin metal films is critical for both gaining an insight into the physical process associated with elevated temperatures and for accurate modeling of ...