Temperature distribution in A1,0, and YAG crystals grown by Czochralski method and in tho melt layer adjacent to the liquid/solid int,erfacc of the conical shape was computed. The results were compared with the quality of t h e crystals. Using a highly absorbing material, trinperature differericc near the deeply submerged sharp intorface decreases from tho edge t o tho centre of a crystal and it is relatively great and unalterable in t,hc case of a shallowly submerged blunt interface. Sharp interface show the cryst,als grown from tho melt of the same composition (Al,O, or accurately "stoichiometric" YAG), whrroas tho blunt one is typical of YAG grown from the melt of the "non-stoichiometric" composition, bccause its solidifying point is below t>he molting point of YAG phase.