Despite the ecological importance of seagrass beds, their distributional information in Korean coastal waters is insufficient. Therefore, we used hydroacoustic system to collect accurate bathymetry and classification of seagrass, and Kompsat-2 (4 m spatial resolution) image for detection of seagrass beds at Deukryang Bay, Korea. The accuracy of Kompsat-2 image classification was evaluated using hydracoustic survey result using error matrix and Kappa value. The total area of seagrass beds from satellite image classification was underestimated compared to the hydroacoustic survey, estimated 3.9 and 4.5 km 2 from satellite image and hydroacoustic data, respectively. Nonetheless, the accuracy of Kompsat-2 image classification over hydroacoustic-based method showing 90% (Kappa=0.85) for the three class maps (seagrass, unvegetated seawater and aquaculture). The agreement between the satellite image classification and the hydroacoustic result was 77.1% (the seagrass presence/absence map). From our result of satellite image classification, Kompsat-2 image is suitable for mapping seagrass beds with high accuracy and non-destructive method. For more accurate information, more researches with a variety of high-resolution satellite image will be preceded.