Green stormwater infrastructure implementation in urban watersheds has outpaced our understanding of practice effectiveness on streamflow response to precipitation events. Long-term monitoring of experimental suburban watersheds in Clarksburg, Maryland, USA, provided an opportunity to examine changes in event-based streamflow metrics in two treatment watersheds that transitioned from agriculture to suburban development with a high density of infiltration-focused stormwater control measures (SCMs). Urban Treatment 1 has predominantly single family detached housing with 33% impervious cover and 126 SCMs. Urban Treatment 2 has a mix of single family detached and attached housing with 44% impervious cover and 219 SCMs.Differences in streamflow-event magnitude and timing were assessed using a beforeafter-control-reference-impact design to compare urban treatment watersheds with a forested control and an urban control with detention-focused SCMs. Streamflow and precipitation events were identified from 14 years of sub-daily monitoring data with an automated approach to characterize peak streamflow, runoff yield, runoff ratio, streamflow duration, time to peak, rise rate, and precipitation depth for each event.Results indicated that streamflow magnitude and timing were altered by urbanization