Objective: The aim of the present report is to present a systematic and critical review of the more recent literature data about structural abnormalities detected by magnetic ressonance in anxiety disorders. Method: A review of the literature in the last five years was conducted by a search of the Medline, Lilacs and SciELO indexing services using the following key words : "anxiety", "panic", "agoraphobia", "social anxiety", "posttraumatic" and "obsessive-compulsive", crossed one by one with "magnetic resonance", "voxel-based", "ROI" and "morphometry palavras-chave: "anxiety", "panic", "agoraphobia", "social anxiety", "posttraumatic" e "obsessive-compulsive" cruzadas uma a uma com "magnetic ressonance", "voxel-based", "ROI" e "morphometry