(DTNs). Temporal specificity in their spiking suggests that one function of DTNs is to encode stimulus duration; however, the efficacy of duration encoding by DTNs has yet to be investigated. Herein, we characterize the information content of individual cells and a population of DTNs from the mammalian inferior colliculus (IC) by measuring the stimulus-specific information (SSI) and estimated Fisher information (FI) of spike count responses. We found that SSI was typically greatest for those stimulus durations that evoked maximum spike counts, defined as best duration (BD) stimuli, and that FI was maximal for stimulus durations off BD where sensitivity to a change in duration was greatest. Using population data, we demonstrate that a maximum likelihood estimator (MLE) can accurately decode stimulus duration from evoked spike counts. We also simulated a two-alternative forced choice task by having MLE models decide whether two durations were the same or different. With this task we measured the just-noticeable difference threshold for stimulus duration and calculated the corresponding Weber fractions across the stimulus domain. Altogether, these results demonstrate that the spiking responses of DTNs from the mammalian IC contain sufficient information for the CNS to encode, decode, and discriminate behaviorally relevant auditory signal durations. big brown bat; Eptesicus fuscus; Fisher information, inferior colliculus; just-noticeable difference; stimulus-specific information, temporal processing; Weber fraction DURATION-TUNED NEURONS (DTNs) are ideal candidates for encoding spectral, intensity, and temporal information about an auditory stimulus because they respond selectively to the frequency, amplitude, and duration of acoustic signals. First reported in the torus semicircularis of frogs and subsequently the inferior colliculus (IC) of bats, DTNs have now been recorded from the auditory midbrain, thalamus, and cortex in a variety of vertebrates, and from the mammalian visual cortex (see Sayegh et al. 2011, for review). To date, the electrophysiological properties and underlying synaptic inputs responsible for creating the temporally selective responses of DTNs have been a major research focus, but a quantitative analysis of the information content and encoding efficiency of any neural system is important for linking neurophysiology to behavior and perception because it can suggest limits on the efficacy of information representation. Information theoretic measurements have previously been used to characterize the spiking responses of visual (Strong et al. 1998;Tolhurst et al. 2009 Sensory neurons in general, and auditory neurons in particular, are often viewed as feature detectors that have a preferred value in stimulus domains such as frequency or amplitude, and they encode the domain with spike counts (or rates) and latencies that vary as a function of the stimulus. We measured spike counts and latencies from auditory DTNs in the mammalian IC to characterize the information content of duration-selective ne...