The weekly averages of near-surface 7 Be, 210 Pb, O 3 , and CO 2 concentrations at the Global Atmospheric Watch Observatory, Mt. Waliguan (101.98°E, 36.287°N, 3810 m a.s.l.), from October 2002 to January 2004 are presented. With the establishment of the new datasets of DCCW (Differential Concentrations in Contiguous Weeks) of 7 Be, 210 Pb, and O 3 , CO 2 (Δ 7 Be, Δ 210 Pb, ΔO 3 , ΔCO 2 , respectively, the impacts of upper-level downward transports and land-surface emissions on O 3 and CO 2 concentrations are implied by 7 Be and 210 Pb being as independent tracers. The relations among Δ 7 Be, Δ 210 Pb, and ΔO 3 , ΔCO 2 are examined statistically and compared. The results indicate that with the DCCWs, the interferences with the tracing significance of 7 Be and 210 Pb from the seasonal wet scavenging of atmospheric aerosol are greatly reduced, and the weighting sources of O 3 or CO 2 variations are more pronounced. Basically, the variability of surface O 3 is controlled predominately by air mass transported from the upper atmosphere levels while the emission from the Continent Boundary Layer (CBL) has an obvious input for CO 2 . The relation between Δ 210 Pb and ΔO 3 reflects that influences of CBL emission are generally positive/negative for surface O 3 budget in summer/winter, and the relation of Δ 7 Be and ΔCO 2 also reveals that upper level downward transport has positive/negative inputs for CO 2 in summer/winter. With the highly correlated relations between 7 Be and O 3 , a quantitative estimation is made of the stratospheric contributions to the budget of surface O 3 at WLG: the monthly averages of stratospheric O 3 range from 6 × 10 −9 to 8 × 10 −9 (volume mixing ratio) in April and from June to August, and 2 × 10 −9 to 4 × 10 −9 in the remaining months. For the ultimate sources of the baseline concentration of surface O 3 , which consist of only stratospheric transport and tropospheric photochemistry production, the contribution from stratospheric transport is estimated to be about 20 × 10 −9 from May to July, and (12-15) × 10 −9 in the remaining months, and the total relative contribution rate is about 35% to 40%.
Differential Concentrations in Contiguous Weeks (DCCW), Continent Boundary Layer (CBL) emission, downward transport from stratosphere, natural trace, WLGCitation: