Thei nteractionb etween differentialr otationa nd magnetic fieldsi nthe solar convectionz one wasr ecently modelledb y Brun ( 2004). Onec onsequence of that model is that theM axwells tresses can oppose theR eynolds stresses, and thus contribute to thet ransport of thea ngular momentum towards thes olar poles, leading to ar educed differentialr otation. So,when magnetic fieldsare weaker,amore pronounced differentialrotationcan be expected, yielding ahigher rotation velocity at lowlatitudes takenonthe average. This hypothesisisconsistent with thebehaviour of thesolar rotationduring theM aunder minimum. In this work we search for similars ignatures of ther elationshipb etween thes olar activity and rotationd etermined tracing sunspot groups and coronal bright points. We use thee xtended Greenwich datas et and as eries of full-discs olar images takena t2 8.4n mw ith theE IT instrument on theS OHO spacecraft (1998)(1999)(2000). We investigatethe dependence of thesolar rotationonthe solar activity (describedbythe relative sunspot number) andthe interplanetary magnetic field (calculatedfromthe interdiurnal variability index).Possible rotationalsignatures of twoweak solar activity cycles at thebeginning of the20thcentury (Gleissbergminimum) are discussed. The interaction between differential rotation and magnetic fields in the solar convection zone was recently modelled by Brun (2004). One consequence of that model is that the Maxwell stresses can oppose the Reynolds stresses, and thus contribute to the transport of the angular momentum towards the solar poles, leading to a reduced differential rotation. So, when magnetic fields are weaker, a more pronounced differential rotation can be expected, yielding a higher rotation velocity at low latitudes taken on the average. This hypothesis is consistent with the behaviour of the solar rotation during the Maunder minimum. In this work we search for similar signatures of the relationship between the solar activity and rotation determined tracing sunspot groups and coronal bright points. We use the extended Greenwich data set and a series of full-disc solar images taken at 28.4 nm with the EIT instrument on the SOHO spacecraft (1998)(1999)(2000). We investigate the dependence of the solar rotation on the solar activity (described by the relative sunspot number) and the interplanetary magnetic field (calculated from the interdiurnal variability index). Possible rotational signatures of two weak solar activity cycles at the beginning of the 20th century (Gleissberg minimum) are discussed.