Purpose How can elective egg freezing (EEF) be made patient centered? This study asked women to reflect on their experiences of EEF, which included their insights and recommendations on the optimal delivery of patient-centered care. Methods In this binational, qualitative study, 150 women (114 in the USA, 36 in Israel) who had completed at least one cycle of EEF were recruited from four American IVF clinics (two academic, two private) and three in Israel (one academic, two private) over a two-year period (June 2014-August 2016). Women who volunteered for the study were interviewed by two medical anthropologists. Interviews were audio recorded, transcribed, and entered into a qualitative data management program (Dedoose) for analysis. Results The majority (85%) of women were without partners at the time of EEF, and thus were undertaking EEF alone in mostly couples-oriented IVF clinics. Following the conceptual framework known as Bpatient-centered infertility care,^we identified two broad categories and eleven specific dimensions of patient-centered EEF care, including (1) system factors: information, competence of clinic and staff, coordination and integration, accessibility, physical comfort, continuity and transition, and cost and (2) human factors: attitude and relationship with staff, communication, patient involvement and privacy, and emotional support. Cost was a unique factor of importance in both countries, despite their different healthcare delivery systems.