Vertigo is not a well defined symptom but a heterogenous entity diagnosed and treated mainly by otolaryngologists, neurologists, internal medicine and primary care physicians. Most vertigo syndroms have a good prognosis and management is predominantly conservative, whereas the need for surgical therapy is rare, but for a subset of patients often the only remaining option. In this paper, we describe the development of surgical therapy for hydropic inner ear diseases, Menière disease, dehiscence syndroms, perilymphatic fistulas, and benign paroxysmal vertigo. At the end, we shortly introduce the most recent development of vestibular implants. Surgical vestibular therapy is still indicated for selected patients nowadays when conservative options did not reduce symptoms and patients are still suffering. Success depends on the correct diagnosis and indication for the different procedures going along with an adequate patient selection. In regard to the invasiveness and the possible risks due to the surgery, in depth individual counselling is necessary. Ablative and destructive surgical procedures usually achieve a successful vertigo control, but go along with a high risk for hearing loss. Therefore, residual hearing has to be included in the decission making process for a surgical therapy.