It has been shown in previous communications that wave shaped currentvoltage curves are obtained when a small sinusoidal alternating potential is superimposed onto the direct potential applied to a dropping mercury electrode i n the presence of either dischargeable ions (A.C. polarography ; cf. Breyer, Gutmann, and Hacobian 1950a, 1950b, 1951 Hacobian 1951a, 1951b) or of surface active substances (Tensammetry ; Breyer and Hacobian 1952). In the case of A.C. polarography, the waves have their origin in electron transfer across the electrode boundary, whereas tensammetric waves are due to adsorption-desorption equilibria at the electrode-solution interface, without electron transfer.It is the object of the present communication to discuss briefly A.C. waves obtained when a surface active substance is not added to the electrolyte, but is formed at the electrode in virtue of electron transfer. These waves are thus intermediate between A.C. polarographic and tensammetric waves, that is, the electron transfer results in the formation of a surface active substance which then gives rise to a tensammetric wave. It is proposed to call this type of wave a " transition wave ".For example, when solutions of halogen ions were subjected to A.C. polarogaphy, the resulting waves (Fig. 1) showed characteristics distinctly different from those obtained with cations. These characteristics can be summed up as follows :(i) Unlike ordinary AS?. polarographic curves, the waves were narrow and sharp ; the summit potential could be determined to better than f0.5 mV., properties generally shown by tensammetric waves. (ii) The base current on the positive side of the summit potential was considerably depressed, indicating the presence of a surface active substance at the electrode (cf. Breyer and Hacobian 1952). The fact that the base current is decreased on the positive side of the summit potential and towards the lower part of the D.C. polarographic step, shows that the surface active substance is mercurous halide, formed at the electrode boundary by the halogen ion discharge. fiii) The A.C. waves of chloride and bromide ions strongly interfered with one another in the sense that the chloride wave height was considerably reduced in the presence of Br-ions. This behaviour can be explained