A bar impact test was developed to study the dynamic fracture responses of precracked ceramic bars, A1 2 0 3 and 15/29% volume SiCw/A1 2 03. Laser interferometric displacement gage data was used together with dynamic finite element analysis to determine the instantaneous crack length and the dynamic stress intensity factor, K 1 (t), in the fracturing ceramic bars impacted with impactor velocities of 5.8, 8.0, and 10 m/s. The crack velocities increased from 1400 to 2600 m/s with increasing impact velocity.The dynamic initiation fracture toughness and an increasing Ki(t) with time and with increasing impact velocity were obtained.
1.Introduction Available configurations of new ceramics and ceramic composites are often restricted to bar geometries of about 10 x 10 mm in cross section due to the historical precedence of using modulus of rupture (MOR) tests to determine the mechanical properties of early experimental materials. The MOR specimens are ideally suited for single-edge notched, three-point bend testing to determine fracture toughness despite the inherent experimental difficulties associated with such small specimens. The small three-point bend fracture specimens, however, are extremely sensitive to the interactions of reflected stress waves with the propagating crack tip as evidenced by the copious fluctuations in the dynamic stress intensity factor during the dynamic fracture process [1,2]. Moderate fluctuations in dynamic stress intensity factor in relatively large three-point bend specimens of 75 mm height and 10 mm thickness and 89 mm height and 9.5 mm thick were documented in [3] and [4], respectively, but not to the extent shown in [1,2]. This superfluous reflected stress wave effects was eliminated by replacing the above two-dimensional fracture specimens with an 2 one-dimensional specimen, such as that used by Duffy and his colleagues [5,6]. Despite its cleanness in test conditions, this split Hopkinson tensile bar test, which is loaded by explosives, requires special training and laboratory facilities. Thus a need exists for a similar clean test which can be executed without such special facilities. The objective of this paper is to describe such a dynamic fracture test procedure involving a bar impact test.
Bar Impact TestThe bar impact experiment consists of a 50.8 mm long, rectangular bar specimen which is impacted on its end by a 25.4 mm long bar impactor of the same material. The reflected tension wave from the free end of the specimen bar interacts with the incoming compressive wave and generates a sharp tensile stress pulse of 3.6 gs duration in the middle of the bar specimen with the transit of approximately 3/4 of the compressive pulse as shown by the Lagrangian diagram of Fig. 1. A schematics :f the experimental apparatus is shown in Fig. 2. The specimen bar and impactor bar are held by molded urethane holders which are mounted in two carriages. Both the specimen carriage and the impactor carriage run on guide rails. An air gun propels the impactor carriage down the guide rails t...