Abstract. This paper deals with the Green ring G(C) of a finite tensor category C with finitely many isomorphism classes of indecomposable objects over an algebraically closed field. The first part of this paper deals with the question of when the Green ring G(C), or the Green algebra G(C) ⊗ ޚ K over a field K, is Jacobson semisimple (namely, has zero Jacobson radical). It turns out that G(C) ⊗ ޚ K is Jacobson semisimple if and only if the Casimir number of C is not zero in K. For the Green ring G(C) itself, G(C) is Jacobson semisimple if and only if the Casimir number of C is not zero. The second part of this paper focuses on the case where C = Rep(kG) for a cyclic group G of order p over a field k of characteristic p. In this case, the Casimir number of C is computable and is shown to be 2p 2 . This leads to a complete description of the Jacobson radical of the Green algebra G(C) ⊗ ޚ K over any field K.