The article examines the issue of the peculiarities of the use of legal terminology in the countries of the European Union. It is emphasized, that the reform of domestic legislation and its approximation to world standards requires thorough research of European legislation. In particular, the cornerstone of today's challenge is the proper use and common approaches to the use of legal terminology. That is why theoretical research on the peculiarities of the use of legal terminology in the legislation of the European Union is necessary to properly improve domestic legislation and avoid mistakes and misunderstandings in the future.
Emphasis is placed on the fact that domestic and foreign researchers have not developed a unified approach to understanding the term "terminology". That is why this term is used in three different meanings. It is also noted, that the category "term" is not new and has been in the field of view of researchers for a long time, but its direct study has only recently begun.
It is noted, that legal terminology is considered as technical, is the most noticeable and striking linguistic feature of legal language. In this sense, legal terminology is used to denote concepts that belong to the legal field.
It is emphasized that, in contrast to the systemic languages, used in national texts, the European Union resorts to a form of "cultural communication", governed by multilingualism. Such communication is considered cultural because it is not rooted in any of the national cultures of the EU Member States. Legal acts, adopted by the EU institutions, which are to be applied and enforced in all Member States, must avoid cultural specificities and, therefore, the concepts or terminology specific to any one national legal system must be used with caution