We study randomized test-and-set (TAS) implementations from registers in the asynchronous shared memory model with n processes. We introduce the problem of group election, a natural variant of leader election, and propose a framework for the implementation of TAS objects from group election objects. We then present two group election algorithms, each yielding an efficient TAS implementation. The first implementation has expected max-step complexity O(log * k) in the location-oblivious adversary model, and the second has expected max-step complexity O(log log k) against any read/write-oblivious adversary, where k ≤ n is the contention. These algorithms improve the previous upper bound by Alistarh and Aspnes [2] of O(log log n) expected max-step complexity in the oblivious adversary model.We also propose a modification to a TAS algorithm by Alistarh, Attiya, Gilbert, Giurgiu, and Guerraoui [5] for the strong adaptive adversary, which improves its space complexity from superlinear to linear, while maintaining its O(log n) expected max-step complexity. We then describe how this algorithm can be combined with any randomized TAS algorithm that has expected max-step complexity T (n) in a weaker adversary model, so that the resulting algorithm has O(log n) expected max-step complexity against any strong adaptive adversary and O(T (n)) in the weaker adversary model.Finally, we prove that for any randomized 2-process TAS algorithm, there exists a schedule determined by an oblivious adversary such that with probability at least 1/4 t one of the processes needs at least t steps to finish its TAS operation. This complements a lower bound by Attiya and Censor-Hillel [7] on a similar problem for n ≥ 3 processes.can lose. I.e., if all participating processes finish the protocol, then exactly one of them returns win and all others return lose. Obviously, any TAS object immediately yields a leader election protocol: Each process executes a single TAS() operation and returns win if the TAS() call returns 0, or lose if TAS() returns 1. Similarly, a leader election algorithm, together with one additional register, can be used to implement a linearizable TAS object with just a constant increase in the number of steps [15]. Similar transformations from leader election to linearizable TAS objects are implicit in several TAS algorithms, e.g., [1,2].Early randomized TAS implementations assumed a strong adaptive adversary model, where the adversary bases its scheduling decisions on the entire past history of events, including the coin flips by processes. Tromp, and Vitányi [22,23] presented a randomized implementation for two processes which has constant expected max-step complexity and constant space complexity against any strong adaptive adversary. (The max-step complexity of an execution is the maximum number of steps any process needs to finish its algorithm in the execution. See Section 2.2 for formal definitions and a discussion.) Afek, Gafni, Tromp, and Vitányi [1] gave a deterministic implementation of a TAS object for n processes,...