“…Each tray has a row of six Readout Units (RUs), every RU is made of twelve Front-End (FE) boards connected to a Concentrator Card (providing low voltage power, bias voltage, and three lpGBTs), and to every FE a module made of two LYSO:Ce arrays (16 crystals and 32 SiPMs each) is connected. LYSO:Ce crystals were chosen because of the high density (7.1 g/cm 3 , most probable value of energy deposit by a MIP ∼0.86 MeV/mm), high light yield (∼40000 photons/MeV), fast scintillation rise time (<100 ps), short decay time (∼40 ns) and very high radiation tolerance (less than few percent transmission loss at the end of HL-LHC). In addition, LYSO:Ce crystals have the scintillation light at 420 nm wavelength, matching perfectly with the SiPMs sensitivity.…”