Automated and effective testing for function block diagram (FBD) programs has become an important issue, as FBD is increasingly used in implementing safety-critical systems. This work describes an automated test case generation technique for FBD programs and its associated tool-FBDTester. Given an FBD program and desired test coverage criteria, FBDTester generates test requirements and invokes the Satisfiability Modulo Theories solver iteratively to derive a set of test cases. An industrial case study using reactor protection system software shows that the automatically generated test suites detected at least 82% of the known faults, whereas manually generated test cases only detected approximately 35%. Mutation analysis revealed that the automatically generated test suites substantially outperformed manually generated ones. Although test sequence generation requires some manual effort in the current FBDTester, it is apparent that the proposed approach significantly improves the efficiency and the reliability of FBD testing. AUTOMATED TEST CASE GENERATION FOR FBD PROGRAMS 609 A real-world industrial case study was conducted using trip (shutdown) modules of the bistable processor (BP) of reactor protection systems developed in the Korea Nuclear Instrumentation and Control System R&D Center project. Test cases were manually generated by FBD testing professionals, taking nearly three man-months to generate test cases for the BP system. In the case study, test cases automatically generated by the FBDTester are compared with respect to fault detection capability using real faults detected in development. In addition, mutation analysis was also performed to compare effectiveness against a large number of artificial errors (i.e., mutants).The manually generated test cases only detected approximately 35% of the faults revealed in the preliminary version of the BP systems. The application of other techniques (e.g., model checking) detected the rest. Using the FBDTester, however, at least 82% of known faults in various modules were detected. In mutation analysis, the FBDTester also outperformed the manually generated test cases in almost all configurations. It is highly expected that the proposed approach could improve the efficiency and the reliability of FBD testing significantly.This paper is organized as follows. Section 2 explains FBD test coverage criteria as background for the study and Section 3 presents a literature survey of the most relevant research. A test case generation technique and an automated tool for FBD programs are described in Section 4. Section 5 reports the results of the KNICS BP case study and presents an evaluation of the proposed approach. The paper is concluded in Section 6.