Recent developments in power electronic technologies lead to new challenges for insulation systems. This contribution aims to clarify the influence of a broad range of mixed-frequency medium-voltage (MF-MV) and environmental stress parameters on the aging of epoxy insulation. For this purpose, test samples are stressed with an AC (50 Hz) or a DC voltage, superimposed with a pulse-width modulated (PWM) voltage (kHz range). An analysis of the samples’ health state is carried out after the aging by evaluation of potential aging markers (AC breakdown strength, dielectric permittivity, glass transition temperature, FTIR spectra). Although the main focus of this work is on aging below the inception of partial discharges (PDs), it was first confirmed that PD-related aging depends mainly on the peak voltage stress. In contrast, the results obtained by aging below PD inception suggests a dependence on the root-mean-square (RMS) of the applied voltage stress, and consequently on the energy dissipation. Aging in the PD-free regime was only observed at alternating electric field stress and high relative humidity (RH) or elevated temperatures. No influences of space charge and of the slew rate of the PWM voltage were observed. Remarkably, higher PWM frequencies lead to less insulation aging. This might be attributed to the increasing hindrance of polymer side chain movement at higher frequencies, as observed by dielectric spectroscopy. In addition, it is indicated that the aging mechanisms under mixed-frequency voltage stress result from superimposed single-frequency aging mechanisms and that aging is activated after a latency period. Of the investigated potential aging markers, only the residual breakdown strength revealed aging effects, which correlates with lifetime observations in the PD-free voltage stress regime. It is hypothesized that the aging mechanism is associated with a
rearrangement of the free volume in the polymer, followed by a localized breaking of van der Waals bonds.