Thermal layouts are examined for condensation-type steam-gas systems with one, two, and three boiler-utilizer pressure stages based on the GTÉ-65 gas-turbine power generating system and the PT 60-12.7/1.27 steam turbine. The operational efficiency and feasibility of integrating a GTÉ-65 and a Pr-86-13.72-545 boiler-utilizer with a single pressure stage in the existing thermal layout of the TÉTs-9 plant of Mosénergo (a station with crosslinks) within the main housing at the location of a no longer operating R-50-12.7/1.27 steam turbine and PTVM-100 water heating boiler are demonstrated.Keywords: Heating and electric power plant with crosslinks, renovation, gas-turbine power generating system, steam-gas add-on, thermal layouts with one, two and three pressure stages in the boiler-utilizer, cycle thermodynamic efficiency.The Mosénergo TÉTs-9 plant [1] is typical of crosslinked heating and electric power stations in large Russian cities. It produces a combination of electrical and thermal energy with steam parameters of 12.7 MPa and 550 ºC and an installed power exceeding 250 MW. The major equipment in the renovated station consists of two TGM-84 power generating boilers and three BKZ-320 power generating boilers, as well as two PT 60-12.7/1.27 and one PT 80/100-12.7/1.27 steam turbine systems. In addition, a PTVM-100 peak-load water heating boiler is installed at this plant. The following stationary collectors exist there for: process steam at 1.27 MPa, and at 0.18 -0.245 MPa, for the main condensate, and for condensate from the main and peak-load boilers. Steam is supplied to the main boilers from the regulated 0.18 MPa withdrawal of the turbines and steam is fed to the peak-load boilers from the common 1.27 MPa collector. The primary fuel is natural gas with fuel oil as a reserve. At present the boilers are run essentially only with gas and the fuel oil is just for emergencies. The gas supply for the heating and electric power plant is from the city mains via a 0.29 MPa pipeline. There is no user for the process steam.The output of steam from the TÉTs-9 plant fell by a factor of 3.5 over 1990 -1998 (from 1800 to roughly 500 thousand tons/year) and has not risen in recent years, although the demand for electrical energy is increasing. The rather long remaining service life of the steam turbines confirms the appropriateness of the renovation of the plant that is currently under way. This project, prepared and built by the "Leningradskii metallicheskii zavod" branch of the JSC "Silovye mashiny" (Leningrad Metals Plant), involves adding on to it a medium power GTÉ-65 gas turbine unit with a complex of air-cleaning systems from the JSC "NPO TsKTI" firm and a Pr-86-13.72-535 vertical, forced-circulation boiler-utilizer (P-111) from the JSC "IK ZIOMAR" firm. Figure 1 is a conceptual diagram of the thermal layout for the steam-gas add-on. The steam-gas add-on includes the gas turbine unit 1 and the boiler-utilizer 2 with auxiliary equipment. A significant increase in the electrical power and improved environmental charact...